Friday, March 07, 2008

Ch. 14 Quiz

1 In South America, which of the following type of motifs were embroidered onto the plain woven surface?
c. Paracas

2 Which of the following is a large, Southwest, circular semi-subterranean structure?
b. kiva

3 Most extant objects from the Adena and Mississippian cultures were found in which of the following?
c. burial and temple mounds

4 Which of the following sites is not located in South America?
c. Chichen Itza

5 The feathered serpent is one guise of which Mesoamerican Mexican deity?
a. Quetzalcoatl

6 Copan, Tikal, and Chichen Itza all were ceremonial centers of which of the following?
c. Maya

7 Corbeled vault construction was typical of the architecture of which of the following?
b. Maya

8 Which of the groups below is often referred to as the "mother culture" of Mesoamerican Mexico?
a. Olmecs

9 Stone monuments were most typical of the art of which of the following?
a. Maya

10 We have a much better understanding of the chronology of Mesoamerica due to the deciphering of the writing and dating system of which of the following groups?
d. Maya

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